Sunday, April 25, 2010


Spent Pumpkin's nap today outside - mostly weeding. The strawberries out front are going gangbusters, and I had to do some (a LOT) of pre-emptive weeding out of bloomed out hyacinth and weird jurrasic looking reed things, so that they have room to grow yummy. The hubby is taking out a couple bushes that line the back of the house (we may put in pavers this summer, and turn our tiny patio into a big patio!), so the debris bin was already full before I started.

Which is my favorite way to start, because I have a really good excuse to stop any old time I want.

I also went to Jerry's (dear lord, I love that store) and got advice on removing old concrete plugs from where the fence used to be, checked out sledgehammers and chicken wire, and bought two packs of little blank garden-bed labels for my raised beds that are starting to sprout.

I actually was smart enough to write a little schematic of where I had planted what, so it's not like I need them to tell the lettuce apart from the tomato or anything. But I filled the beds in with soil from my monstrously large mulch pile (3 big raised beds only took about 2/3 of the pile), which has sat un-turned and un-taken care of since the squirrels only know when, so there are a butt-load of weeds in it. I scraped off the top layer before digging, but I am pretty sure that most of the little sprouts I see in the beds right now are weeds, not veggies or herbs. Pretty sure I say, because a tiny two-leaf sprout looks like a tiny two-leaf sprout, and how am I supposed to know which will turn into carrots and which will turn into stinkweed?

So, me being brilliant in my own mind, and an OK drawer, I looked up pictures of seedlings of all the things I planted, and drew them in sharpie on the back of all the labels, so I can weed out the bad and recognize the good! As soon as they get a little bit bigger, of course.

I also was feeling motivated, so I did all the kitchen work for Ahiru, mowed, blew the tree debris from the rock garden, spot-shotted the hairball spots on the carpet, and now am waiting for the laundry. Mostly because I am monumentally unmotivated to write this week's lesson plans.

I have a general idea of what I will do. That's good enough for goverment work - right? I find it HILARIOUS that I am payed by taxpayers, so that actually applies to my work. hehehehe.

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