Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Huggy Phase

This is definitely my favorite phase so far. The agreeable phase was nice (when the answer to everything, including "what color is that?" was "Yeeeessss"). The first words stage was lovely. The 'du-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum' (sound of him crawling down the hallway) stage was terribly cute.

The no-you-CAN'T-change-my-diaper stage was exasperating, though it was interesting to watch him really start to have an opinion. The HOOP! Ball! Hoop! stage will probably never end, judging by his daddy. The baby-lump stage was, despite the sleep deprivation, the easiest in many ways.

But his new thing is hugging. He wants to snuggle in for hugs on my shoulder, and he asks for it by name. Sometimes I know it's coming, but a lot of the time it just pops into his head that he wants a hug, and he yells "HUG!" and comes running. I find it physically impossible to deny him. Not that I try very hard.

It's also his first joke. I come home, and he is sssooo excited to see me. He talks to me through the window and points to the front door, telling me where to come in. And some days, he comes running around the couch to get to me, arms outstretched for lovies. Which he gets.

But lately, he says 'hiiiiiii' and continues playing. I ask for hugs, and he actually says no! So I say, "OK, then Mamma is going over here," and I take approximately 1.433 steps, when I hear


I think he is being funny - saying the opposite of what he means, when we all know what he really wants.

Totally my favorite phase ever. At least until the next one comes.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pump˚in had his first 3 syllable word yesterday - strawberry! They are coming ripe early in my yard this year, due to the strange weather we have had. We have already had a few yummy ones, and the plants are going gangbusters here in their second year.

He also SANG for the first time! I am talking real singing too. We have a ˚ids CD by Laurie Ber˚ner, who we both love, and when Froggie Went a Courtin' came on, he started singing "uh-huh, uh-huh" which are actual lyrics to part of the chorus :-)

I choose to view this as very clear evidence that he is brilliant, with a natural gift for music. Don't even try to reason with me.

Btw - do you see what is going on in the previous paragraphs with the old crazy button? Sometimes the letter shows up, sometimes it won't. It's li˚e even my laptop is whining for summer to start.

Lastly, for tonight, I looooved the heavy rain today. It smelled so yummy!

Friday, May 7, 2010

A post without the letter k

So I always feel tired this time of year. I'm not sure why. The sun is shining, the flowers are beautiful, my raised garden beds are starting to sprout (I built them with my own hands this spring! so proud of myself!).

I search way down to the depths of my (not very deep) soul, and see the answer to my blahs. The year, no matter how good or bad, has just gotten long. I pine for summer, and a real vacation. The students pine for release from me, the chairs pine for release from student butts, even the computers pine for release from our fingers.

As evidenced by the fact that my school laptop has suddenly started to reject the letter between J and L. Sometimes it says 'yeah, sure. I guess you need that letter' but other times it says "Ha! Loser! Try again...Ha! Fooled you! Guess you better get out that thesaurus, 'cuz it's not happening."

Whatever. It's a lame letter anyway. I wrote 2 handouts and this whole post without one.